Hand-picked from around the internet and dipped in our special sauce, these spicy videos are brief (like a Lefty’s attention span) but they pack a serious punch.
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Less than 2 minutes into the first formal, Presidential address to AMERICANS in two years… about the state of AMERICA … our “Commander in Chief” starts talking about Putin, Russia, Zelensky and Ukraine… and never stops talking about them. Meanwhile, all the members of Congress, the Supreme Court “Jesters” and the Joint Chiefs of Staff can’t stop puckering up and falling all over themselves to applaud and kiss Biden’s behind. In light of this, we decided to sprinkle in a healthy dose of the facts, to help combat the nasty flavor of “Lefty Nonsense.” You’re welcome.

The second in our new collection: ShortCuts (Two Minutes or less).

State of the U-kraine

Apr 23, 2022
Your generous donations enable us to create new content and keep you informed of the current events that "Lame Street Media" avoids like the plague. We promise to ALWAYS bring you the TRUTH. And whenever possible...put a smile on your face, in the process. 😎 We are extremely grateful for your help!
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A young man speaks his mind…

The first in our new collection: ShortCuts (Two Minutes or less).

From Russia With @!#$

Mar 20, 2022
Your generous donations enable us to create new content and keep you informed of the current events that "Lame Street Media" avoids like the plague. We promise to ALWAYS bring you the TRUTH. And whenever possible...put a smile on your face, in the process. 😎 We are extremely grateful for your help!